Monday, September 9, 2013
Katzenjammer week The oaken bucket
This week a week full of pranks, well, early 1900s-pranks performed the reincarnations of the German Max und Moritz (by Wilhelm Busch). In 1893 Rudolph Dirks copied the two "belhamels" (name of the comic in Flanders) or "doeraks" (name of the comic in Dutch) but added al lot to it and even let them speak some early 20th century colonist American-German. In 1918 the comic split in two because of an argument with William Randolph Hearst, the mighty and powerfull newspaper giant (but also the mecenas of early comics (because he earned a lot money through their immense popularity). Hearst let Harold Knerr draw the Katzenjammer kids (from 1918 untill 1949) but Dirks started an almost identical comic in another newspaper called The captain and the kids! Everything is possible in the Platinum Age.